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ClearPath Energy

Objective & Independent Energy Advisory Services


For many organizations, energy and sustainability programs have become a core component of everyday business operations. A comprehensive strategy supported by the right technology and services can have an impact on the bottom line and in the court of public opinion. In the global landscape, energy efficiency remains at the forefront of the energy eco-system and an essential component of a comprehensive plan for short and long term impact.

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A constantly changing energy industry presents challenges and opportunities for organizations. Innovative technologies, emerging products, services providers are all lining up to secure your business. 


We can provide turn-key solutions to supplement, compliment or develop a corporate energy strategy to impact your organization’s bottom line.

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Independent and Objective. Representing our client’s best interest is at the forefront of our comprehensive services, both commercially and internationally.

We Can Help. Contact us.

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone or email.

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